Introduction & announcements
5 July
49th FEBS Congress, "Bridging Continents to Advance Life Science". 5-9 July 2025, Istanbul, Turkey.
28 Apr
2025 Meeting of FEBS Education Ambassadors. 28 April, online.
Seasonal Webinar series, online (6 June, 13 May 2024; 11 September, 13 June, 15 March 2023; 3 November, 20 June, 20 April, 3 March 2022; 2 December, 2 June, 10 March 2021)
You are invited to explore and participate in the Educator Channel of the FEBS Network
The FEBS Education and Training Committee has the mission of promoting education of the highest quality in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Europe at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
In order to fulfill this important objective:
- We encourage the development of innovative teaching methods.
- We disseminate advice on educational resources.
- We arrange at least one education event at each FEBS Congress.
- We arrange other educational events such as workshops on educational issues in FEBS member countries on request (see map)

FEBS Ambassadors on Education
FEBS Education and Training Committee has created the group of FEBS Ambassadors on Education. Constituent societies have nominated their ambassador to participate in joint development of education-related initiatives.
More information on the Ambassadors group and activities.
Awards, prizes and mentions
- 2015 "Best Poster on Education" in the 40th FEBS Congress, Berlin: "Developing scientific writing and integrating feedback for undergraduate biomedical students through mimicking the professional journal article review process" by J.A. Tanner (Univ. of Hong Kong)
- 2014 "Best Poster on Education" in the 39th FEBS Congress, Paris: "Multidisciplinary biochemistry laboratory education; student centered real learning process" by A.S. Dincel, Y. Ozkan, M. Selvi, F. Erkoc (Gazi Univ.)
- 2014 "50 Years of FEBS Education Training Award": Ines Heiland (Tromso Univ.) and Eva Margittai (Semmelweis Univ.) - Information
Workshops, courses and associated materials
Map with locations of all activities held:
- Workshops and Courses organised together with FEBS Constituent Societies. (See section below)
- Education events during the FEBS Congresses. (See section below)
Application form for support in organizing an education event by a FEBS Constituent Society (version March 2024)
Additional (not up to date) information
Societies interested in hosting a FEBS education workshop:
1st FEBS Education and Training Conference.- Shaping the future of molecular life sciences through education. — A congress held in Antalya (Turkey) from 20 to 23 March 2024. Including the 1st edition of FEBS Education and Training Academy workshops
Symposium on Pedagogical Innovation in Biosciences - How to Engage Students in Our Practices? — A workshop supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Ambassadors for Education funding schema, together with SBP, Univ. of Aveiro, Univ. of Minho and IUBMB, at Aveiro (Portugal) 12-13 October 2023
"Evolving Molecular Bioscience Education 2023" — the 5th joint workshop between FEBS Education Committee and the Biochemical Society, in Manchester (UK), 25-26 May 2023
"Educational considerations for training" — A workshop supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Ambassadors for Education funding scheme, celebrated online (Tunisia), 7-8 December 2022
"How to improve the evaluation of Technology Enhanced Learning interventions" — 2nd Seasonal Webinar of FEBS Education Committee, by John Sandars. 2 June 2021, 3 pm CET
"Evolving Molecular Bioscience Education 2020-21" — the fourth joint workshop between FEBS Education Committee and the Biochemical Society, will be held online, 27-28 May 2021
"The pandemic brain: science and strategies for optimal learning" — 1st Seasonal Webinar of FEBS Education Committee, by Janet N. Zadina. 10 March 2021, 3 pm CET
"Better skills for better jobs: Excellent lab book for an excellent career" — A workshop supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Ambassadors for Education funding scheme, celebrated online (Zagreb, Croatia), 17-18 December 2020
"Activate your Teaching" — A workshop on innovative education, supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Ambassadors for Education funding scheme, held online (Tenerife, Spain) 21-24 September 2020
""Move on to Answers: Reflect on and Revise Available Knowledge to Educational Challenges with Hope" —
FEBS Education Workshop in Marrakech, Morocco; 19-20 December 2019
"Techniques and Efficient Roadmaps: New Options for Practicals and Innovative Learning" — FEBS Education Workshop in Ternopil, Ukraine; 3-4 October 2019, organized by FEBS Education Committee with Ternopil National Medical University
"Better skills for better jobs: education and training for successful research careers" — FEBS Education Workshop in Lovran, Croatia; 25 and 28 September 2019, as satellite of the HDBMB Congress, supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Ambassadors for Education funding scheme.
"Excellence in learning and teaching biochemistry" — Education Workshop in Rome, Italy; 16-17 September 2019, supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Ambassadors for Education funding scheme.
“Towards a blended integrated learning: ideas for science instruction” — FEBS workshop on molecular life sciences education in Tbilisi, Georgia; 8-9 April 2019,
organized by FEBS Education Committee with Ilia State University
"Implementing more participative and engaging ways of teaching and learning biosciences" — Workshop on molecular life sciences education in Alcalá de Henares, Spain; 16-17 January 2019, supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Ambassadors for Education funding scheme.
Education workshop on molecular life sciences (Patras, Greece; 3 October 2018),
supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Ambassadors for Education funding scheme
Research and Career Skills Workshop for Young Scientists (Izmir, Turkey; 7 Sept. 2018) organized by FEBS Education Committe with support from IUBMB.
FEBS Workshop on Molecular Life Sciences Education (Izmir, Turkey; 5-6 Sept. 2018)
FEBS Education Workshop (Zagreb, Croatia; 4-5 April 2018)
3rd Education Workshop joint between FEBS and Biochemical Society UK (Chester, UK; 12-13 April 2018)
FEBS Education Workshop (Sofia, Bulgaria; 17 Nov. 2017)
FEBS Education Workshop (Kaunas, Lithuania; 26-27 June 2017)
2nd FEBS “Ambassadors on Education” Meeting (Paris, France; 7-8 April 2017)
FEBS Workshop on Molecular Life Science Education (Riga, Latvia; 24-25 November 2016)
1st FEBS “Ambassadors on Education” Meeting (Prague, Czechia; 8-9 April 2016)
FEBS education workshop (Athens, Greece; 8–9 October)
FEBS+IUBMB workshop on molecular life sciences education (Oslo, Norway; 18–19 September)
FEBS workshop on molecular life sciences education (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 3–4 September)
2nd FEBS–Biochemical Society education workshop: Enhancing molecular bioscience education (Cambridge, UK; 30–31 March)
FEBS workshop on molecular
bioscience education (Belgrade, Serbia; 18–19 September)
FEBS workshop on molecular bioscience education (Debrecen, Hungary; 24–25 August)
Joint symposium on PhD training in clinical
chemistry, clinical biochemistry and laboratory
medicine (Istanbul, Turkey; 25 June)
FEBS workshop on molecular life sciences education (Sofia, Bulgaria; 22 November)
FEBS workshop on molecular life sciences education (Tbilisi, Georgia; 8–9 October)
FEBS education workshop on Teaching molecular evolution (Gdansk, Poland; 13–14 July)
1st FEBS–Biochemical Society education workshop: Innovations in molecular bioscience education (Cambridge, UK) In memory of Ed Wood (1941-2008)
FEBS workshop on biochemistry and molecular biology education (Yerevan, Armenia)
FEBS workshop on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (Izmir, Turkey)
FEBS workshop: Biochemistry education (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
FEBS workshop: Biochemistry and molecular biology education (Smolenice, Slovakia)
FEBS workshop: Problem-based learning (Tallinn, Estonia)
FEBS workshop: Education in biochemistry and molecular biology (Opatija, Croatia)
FEBS education workshop (Athens, Greece)
FEBS education workshop (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Events within FEBS Congresses
Map with locations of all events:
2024 Milan
- Special session – Molecular life sciences education
2023 Tours
- Poster session on Molecular Life Sciences Education
- Special session – FEBS Stands Up for Education: hot topics, music and more
2022 Lisbon
- FEBS Education Plenary Lecture – Beating to a different drum: how can education become relevant again? – Boris Jokić (12 July)
- FEBS/IUBMB Special Session on Education – Where we go from here? Experiences, lessons learned and projections for hybrid post-COVID education (12 July)
- FEBS Special Session on Research and Career Skills (10 July)
- Poster session on Molecular Life Sciences Education
2021 online event
- FEBS Education Plenary Lecture – Why science education is more important than most scientists think – Bruce Alberts (6 July)
- FEBS/IUBMB Special Session on Education 1 – Learning and the brain: Translating the science of learning to educational practice (6 July)
- FEBS/IUBMB Special Session on Education 2 – You should... I should… – Let’s clarify our roles and responsibilities in PhD education (7 July)
- Poster session – education, training, and career planning in molecular life sciences
2019 Krakow
- FEBS/IUBMB Special session on Education 1 – Creative teaching: Effective learning in life sciences education (8 July)
- FEBS Research and Career Skills Workshop – Networking (9 July)
- FEBS/IUBMB Special session on Education 2 – (9 July)
- FEBS Special Session on Research and Career Skills (10 July)
- Poster session – Biochemical Education
2018 Prague
- Special session on Education – Bioethics education in molecular life sciences (9 July)
- Workshop – Developing case studies in bioethics (9 July)
- Special session on Research and Career Skills – How to improve the value and impact of your scientific papers in molecular life sciences (11 July)
- Workshop – Networking (11 July)
- Poster session – Biochemical Education
- Speed talks – Selected topics in education
2017 Jerusalem
- Special session – Practicals in Molecular Life Sciences Education (11 Sept.)
- includes an Opening Lecture by Bruce Alberts
- Workshop – Practicals: Useful Tips (11 Sept.)
- Poster session – Education, Training, and Career Planning in Molecular Life Sciences
2017 Rehovot
"New Horizons in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Education",
an IUBMB+FEBS joint conference on education (6-8 Sept.)
2016 Ephesus / Kuşadası
- Unfortunately this congress had to be cancelled. However, communications will be published in the abstracts book online.
2015 Berlin
- Special session/workshop: Research in undergraduate education (7 July)
- Poster session: Education, training, and career planning in molecular life sciences
2014 Paris
- What skills and knowledge are required to improve molecular life science education?
- New technologies available to teach molecular life sciences.
- Poster session on education. Prize for best education poster.
2013 St. Petersburg
- Symposium: The Bologna process – Towards the European Higher Education Area: discussing the pros and cons.
- Workshop on Molecular life sciences education for the needs of the industry.
- CV Clinics.
- Poster session: Education in biochemistry and molecular biology.
2012 Seville
- Symposia on education:
- Science in school: biodiversity and evolution.
- Teaching molecular evolution: a unifying principle of biochemistry.
- Research into effective teaching strategies: what biochemistry is learning from other sciences.
- CV Clinics.
- Poster communications on biochemical education.
2011 Turin
- PhD training in Europe: Where are we heading?
- Integrating molecular bioscience education with medical training.
- CV Clinics.
2010 Gothenburg
- The researching, teaching and learning triangle at universities: unite or divide? (Research in undergraduate education)
- Research-oriented education at high schools.
- Workshop on Practical systems biology - an introduction to mapping and modelling of cellular signal transduction.
- CV Clinics.
2009 Prague
- Workshop on Teaching systems biology.
- Workshop on Ethics education.
- CV Clinics.
2008 Athens
- Workshop on eLearning.
- Symposium on Postgraduate training.
- CV Clinics.
2007 Vienna
- Symposium on How to go from biochemistry research to commercial biotechnology.
- CV Clinics.
The following events were organised by the FEBS Working Group on Teaching Biochemistry:
2006 Istambul
- Workshop on New approaches to post-graduate education.
- Workshop on How to write successful research grants.
- Computer lab on Database searching.
2005 Budapest
- Workshop on Laboratory practicals.
2004 Warsaw
- Workshop on Problem-based learning.
2002 Istambul
- Symposium on Virtual learning.
- Computer lab activity on virtual learning.
About the FEBS Education and Training Committee
A short history
The FEBS Education Committee has its roots in FEBS Working Group on Teaching Biochemistry, which was founded in 2001 by Prof. Jean Wallach (Lyon, France). Between 2001 and 2006, it was active in promoting educational events at yearly FEBS Congresses. In the Council Meeting held in Istanbul in 2006, the Group was converted to FEBS Education Committee, with Prof. Edward Wood (Leeds, UK) as the founding Chair. Prof. Gül Güner Akdogan (Izmir, Turkey) took over following the sad loss† of Ed Wood in December 2008. She was elected as Chair of the Committee at the Council Meeting held in Prague in 2009, and re-elected for subsequent terms in Seville, 2012, and Berlin, 2015.
In addition to arranging education events at the annual FEBS Congress, since 2008 the FEBS Education Committee has organized biochemistry and molecular biology education workshops throughout the FEBS area.
On 2024, the Committee has changed its name to become FEBS Education and Training Committee.
† FEBS News special issue in memory of Ed Wood:
Members of the FEBS Education and Training Committee

Chair: |
Members: |
Co-opted members: |
Ex-officio members: |
Past members:
- Karmela Barišić — Croatia
- Miguel Castanho — Portugal
- Xavier Coumoul — France
- Costas Drainas — Greece
- László Dux — Hungary
- Gül Güner-Akdoğan ** — Turkey
(**Chair, 2009 to 2018) - Luciane V. Mello — UK
- Frank Michelangeli — UK
- Wolfgang Nellen — Germany
- Peter Ott — Switzerland
- Jason Perret — Belgium
- Erkki Raulo — Finland
- Jean-Luc Souciet — France
- Néstor V. Torres — Spain
- Tomáš Zima — Czechia
- Ed Wood — UK
Reports, resources and enquiries
The work of the FEBS Education and Training Committee is reported to FEBS Council and in the Education Committee appendix of the FEBS Annual Report. Occasional reports also appear in FEBS News.
- Annual reports
- The history of educational activities in the book celebrating the 50th Anniversary of FEBS:
Resources from FEBS Education events are posted in this site you are visiting now.
For all enquiries on education events, please contact Ferhan Sağın, Chair, FEBS Education and Training Committee, via the icon below.
Prof. Ferhan Sağın — Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey.
Educational activities in constituent societies
(...) Information is welcome here. Please, email it to webmaster (link at bottom-left of this page).