What is the FEBS Network?
This new initiative from FEBS (Sept. 2017) is an online community to support molecular and cellular life scientists. Its aims include sharing advice, news and insight, as well as collaborating and connecting. At the same time, it complements FEBS’ existing work with events, its societies, journals, education and other projects. But words can only convey something of the Network’s potential: have a look at network.febs.org!
Who is behind it?
The FEBS Network is the result of a collaboration between FEBS, Wiley —its journal publishing partner— and Zapnito —that provides the software and expertise in networks. The project is overseen by a FEBS Network Working Group of senior scientists, and people contributing to key parts of the Network so far include scientists closely associated with FEBS activities, FEBS editorial staff and other selected experts and writers.
Site features: content and connections
The FEBS Network has opened with activity focused on advice, news and insights from selected contributors in three ‘channels’ that reflect long-standing activities of FEBS:
- Early-Career Scientist channel
- Educator channel
- Viewpoints channel (dealing with 'science and society' issues)
However, the Network will be more: it can also become a supportive community of interconnected molecular life science enthusiasts at all career stages. Tools currently available to encourage interaction and discussion include profile pages for those registered on the site, following and commenting.
- Rooms
We are currently excited to be also launching ‘rooms’ on the platform as closed online spaces for community groups such as the FEBS Education Ambassadors and the FEBS Fellows.
Another important aim is to bring research topics into the heart of the Network. For this, we are planning to offer similar rooms for discussion and interaction around particular research areas to certain FEBS event organizers wishing to extend the impact of their live events, as well as to active scientists in the FEBS community interested in an opportunity to develop subject-specific online communities.
- Research channel
We expect the ‘Research’ channel to highlight content from such ‘research division rooms’ as well as featuring research insights from articles and reviews in the FEBS Press journals.
Your input is invited!
Any user can now contribute material such as posts and videos to the site. While content in the main channels will continue to come from experts and other contributors appointed by the channel overseers, all those registered on the site can now post content to their personal profile page, and such posts will also appear as ‘Latest from all the community’ on the homepage. The FEBS Network is at an early stage of development, and we welcome your comments to help create a resource that adds real value for the community and meets our ultimate goal of advancing the molecular life sciences. If you have time, it would be appreciated if you could complete the survey on the site to help us collect in thoughts. We are also interested in hearing directly from scientists with a passion for writing or video making and with expertise and experience to share who are interested in becoming regular channel contributors.
Simply visit network.febs.org, register on the platform and make your profile. There are several handy guides to getting started in the ‘About the FEBS Network’ channel and there is more introductory information on our ‘Welcome’ page. When you register on the site you also gain free access to The FEBS Journal and FEBS Letters.
Come and join this developing community!