The 46th FEBS Congress, “The biochemistry global summit” + 25th IUBMB Congress + 15th PABMB Congress
Lisbon Congress Centre (CCL), Lisbon (Portugal), 9 –14 July 2022
FEBS Education Plenary Lecture: “Beating to a different drum: how can education become relevant again?”
Boris Jokić (Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Croatia)
Tuesday, 12 July, 14:30 to 15:30. Auditorium I
FEBS/IUBMB Special Session on Education (Post-COVID education):
"Where we go from here? Experiences, lessons learned and projections for hybrid post-COVID education”
Tuesday, 12 July, 16:00 to 18:00. Auditorium VIII
Co-organized by the FEBS and IUBMB Education Committees
Chaired by Lim Yang Mooi (Malaysia, IUBMB Executive Committee Member for Education and Training) and Ferhan Sağın (Turkey, FEBS Education Commitee Chair)
- The DJ-ification of Education — Carlos Delgado-Kloos (Spain)
- Hybrid learning is here to stay and it is even more about student engagement and experiences — Tracey Kuit (Australia)
- Digital strategies for blended and interdisciplinary learning — Rosemary Clyne (United Kingdom)
- Panel discussion, Q&A
FEBS Special Session on Research and Career Skills
Sunday, 10 July, 16:00 to 18:00. Auditorium VIII
Organized by the FEBS Working Group on the Careers of Young Scientists and the FEBS Education Committee.
Chaired by Irene Díaz-Moreno (Spain) and Ferhan Sağın (Turkey)
- How to write a good review article— Paraminder Dhillon (United Kingdom)
- How to prepare a proper lab book — Jason Perret (Belgium)
- How to get the most out of an academic conference— Francesco Michelangeli (United Kingdom)
- Panel discussion, Q&A
Posters on Molecular Life Sciences Education
Topics: Undergraduate teaching/learning / Postgraduate teaching/learning / Faculty development / Career development
Abstracts are published in FEBS Open Bio 12 (Suppl. S1), 329-336, with open access. doi:10.1002/2211-5463.13440
Faculty development (Sunday 10 July)
Implementation of OSPE in basic sciences of the Medical Doctor Program, students' general satisfaction and future challenges
N. Jojua, T. Gognadze (Georgia)
Postgraduate teaching/learning (Sunday 10 July)
Collaborative project design as a strategy for meaningful learning in postgraduates. Student and teacher thoughts
R. Huertas-Larez, J. Recio-Aldavero, I.D. Román, L. Muñoz-Moreno, A.M. Bajo (Spain)
Educational regimen and innovative solutions applied in biological sciences education
H.M. Said (Turkey)
Using Role-Plays in review scientific articles with postgraduate students
L. Muñoz-Moreno, A.M. Bajo, M.J. Carmena (Spain)
Participating in scientific meetings as part of PhD training: 6 years of educational and scientific data
H. Kocdor, D. Harmanci, A. Pabuccuoglu, F. Zihnioglu, N. Yener, F. Sagin (Turkey)
A training strategy from a research problem to a collaborative research environment and to building an innovation culture
D. Harmanci, Z.O. Uygun, A. Kocak, C. Demirdover, F. Sagin, G. Akdogan (Turkey)
Undergraduate teaching/learning ( Wednesday 13 July)
Lessons learned from 3D printing macromolecular models for teaching and demonstration
M. Mihasan (Romania)
The Biochemist’s Uncle: reading is the best medicine
M. Aureliano (Portugal)
Microbe hunters – an educational program on soil microbiology and biochemistry for schoolchildren and their teachers
A. Paramonik, M. Galyamova, E. Voronina, S. Sedykh (Russia)
Digital technologies (DT): an important tool for training undergraduate students in the development of future competences and skills
B. Soares, G. Santos, N. Bossolan, L. Beltramini (Brazil)
Reaching to aliens: teaching biochemistry in a “Food Science” context
S. Iametti, A. Barbiroli, F. Bonomi (Italy)
How to teach male infertility diagnostic laboratories during a pandemic: a novel approach
P.O. Corda, J. Santiago, M. Fardilha (Portugal)
Improving the learning environment and students' satisfaction through the combination of spaced learning and team-based learning – the impact on students' perception and engagement
L. Gonçalves, M. Rodrigues, F. Ribeiro, V. Carlos, M. Fardilha (Portugal)
Building our future, a conference by and for undergraduates
A.M. Bajo, A. Domingo, C. Menor-Salván, L. Muñoz-Moreno, I.D. Román (Spain)
Biotechnology and biochemistry laboratorial education through the SARS-CoV2 pandemic: challenges, truths and takeaways
J. Almeida, C. Pereira, P. Coelho, D. Teixeira, M. Louçano, C. Bento, M.J. Cerqueira, C. Pudêncio, R. Ferraz, M. Vieira (Portugal)
The use of tactile models for the teaching of biomolecules
G. Costa dos Santos, M. Silva, L. Beltramini, N. Bossolan (Brazil)
Protocol for evaluation of DNA damage – a transfer of knowledge from theoretical subjects into practical elective subject student research work at the Faculty of Medicine
D. Muthna, J. Fazal, M. Rezacova (Czechia)
Teaching of scientific research skills to Medical Doctor Program students during the first two years of study
T. Gognadze, N. Jojua (Georgia)
A comparison of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the quality of teaching of medical students in Poland and the Czech Republic
M. Patena, M. Lasota, Z. Wadowska, J. Rybak, V. Kulda, A. Jagusiak (Poland & Czechia)
Arousing students’ interest in the subject of classes with the use of activating techniques during online classes
M. Lasota, G. Kasparek, P. Obajtek, M. Pacanowska, A. Jagusiak (Poland)
BioMolViz: a community to improve biomolecular visual literacy
D.R. Dries, H. Jakubowski, J.T. Beckham, K. Procko (USA)
Implementation of a gymkhana to learn sequence analysis and molecular phylogeny
I. Ortiz Martín, A. del Espino Pérez, E. García Luque, E. Viguera Mínguez (Spain)
There will be a FEBS Open Bio prize to the best poster in education.