The 47th FEBS Congress, “Together in Bioscience for a Better Future”
Vinci International Congress Center / Palais des Congrès de Tours (France), 8–12 July 2023
Special Session:
"FEBS Stands Up for Education: hot topics, music and more”
Monday, 10 July, 20:00 to 22:30. La Guinguette Tours de Loire – Restaurant ‘Chez ta mère’.
FEBS Education Committee is proud to present this special event featuring dynamic speakers who will share their insights and perspectives on key issues facing education today. Our audience is invited to share experiences, contribute to this lively discussion and enjoy entertaining performances.
From the challenges of training transferable skills to the impact of social media on student well-being, our speakers will tackle some of the most pressing issues in the field.
But that's not all – we'll also provide delicious food and drinks to fuel your brain and your body. Network with fellow educators and education enthusiasts in a relaxed, social setting that encourages open discussion and collaboration.
Whether you're a teacher, student, administrator, or simply interested in the future of education, this event is for you. Come join us as we stand up for education and explore the latest ideas, research, and innovations in the field.
Communications on Education and Training in Molecular Life Sciences
Topics: ◈ Undergraduate teaching/learning ◈ Postgraduate teaching/learning ◈ Faculty development ◈ Career development ◈
A total of 22 communications were presented.
The abstracts are published in FEBS Open Bio 13 (Suppl. 2), with open access. doi:10.1002/2211-5463.13645 (talks) and doi:10.1002/2211-5463.13646 (posters)
Speed Talks (Monday 10 July)
Undergraduate teaching/learning
SpT-09.1-1 , page 52
Selected problems/cases to stimulate collaborative learning regarding the dynamic flexibility of metabolism.
M.Á. Medina, F. Suárez, F.J. Alonso-Carrión (Spain)SpT-09.1-2 , pages 52-53
Entrance tests: about devils or angels.
N. Sincic, J. Dumic (Croatia)Postgraduate teaching/learning
SpT-09.2-1 , page 53
A workshop that integrates master’s degree content develops soft skills for the professional future.
A. Domingo, I.D. Román, L. Muñoz-Moreno, N. Rodríguez-Henche, L. Puebla, A. Herráez, J.C. Díez, A.M. Bajo (Spain)
Posters (Monday 10 July)
Undergraduate teaching/learning
P-E-09.1-01 , pages 252-253
Soft skills, our allies in the learning of biology in chemistry undergraduates.
I.D. Román, L. Muñoz-Moreno, A. Herráez, L. Puebla, J.C. Díez, N. Rodríguez-Henche, A.M. Bajo (Spain)P-E-09.1-02 , page 253
Teaching clinical biochemistry through immersion in gene silencing software for the study of diseases via flipped classroom and challenge-based learning strategies.
A. Sebastián-Martín, B. Sánchez, A. Bort, J.M. Mora-Rodríguez, A. Díaz-Yuste, I. Díaz-Laviada (Spain)P-E-09.1-03 , page 253
Training soft skills using simulators in biochemistry.
J.C. Diez, L. Puebla, L. Muñoz-Moreno, N. Rodríguez-Henche, I.D. Román, A. Bajo, A. Herráez (Spain)P-E-09.1-04 , pages 253-254
Developing soft skills in the integration of biochemistry and physiology.
N. Rodríguez-Henche, L. Calleros, M. Saura, I.D. Román, L. Muñoz-Moreno, A. Herráez, J.C. Diez, L. Puebla, A.M. Bajo (Spain)P-E-09.1-05 , page 254
A cross-sectional survey on perception of educational environment during COVID 19 pandemic by RAKMHSU students using DREEM questionnaire—a pilot study.
D.B.K.M. Goud, D.T.H.M. Hakim, D.R. Dube, D.J.B. Kumar, D.S. Talath, D.M.A. Nair, D.V. Padmanabhan (United Arab Emirates)P-E-09.1-06 , page 254
The day of biomolecular sciences.
A. Taler-Vercic, B. Doljak, B. Cigić, A. Bavec, M. Pavšič, A. Berlec, G. Anderluh, U. Petrovič, M. Dolinar (Slovenia)P-E-09.1-07 , pages 254-255
New approach to advance education of biology in high school.
N. Kocharyan (Armenia)P-E-09.1-08 , page 255
Asynchronous distance learning and personalized learning plans as characteristic features of successful higher education under war conditions complicated by energy supply damage.
T. Borisova, G. Monastyrsky, V. Maksimenko (Ukraine)P-E-09.1-09 , page 255
Molecular biology laboratory exercise for students of medicine: Factor V Leiden.
R. Vrzakova, J. Kolaja Dobra, P. Chocholata, V. Babuska, V. Kulda (Czechia)P-E-09.1-10 , pages 255-256
Pilot study of game-based learning of biochemistry experiments.
F.H. Lo (Hong Kong)P-E-09.1-11 , page 256
University students’ misconceptions related to photosynthesis and respiration.
V. Aleknavičiūtė, E. Lehtinen, I. Södervik, R. Zukiene (Lithuania and Finland)P-E-09.1-12 , page 256
Building a scientific research environment by introducing new biotechnological technologies for undergraduates.
U. Karabay, S.A. Bakan, R.B. Husemoglu, K. Hemmatvand, M. Yuksel Egrilmez (Turkey)P-E-09.1-13 , page 257
Development of a gamification experience in the chemistry degree.
L. Muñoz-Moreno, M.J. Carmena, L. Puebla, A. Herráez, J.C. Ballesteros, I.D. Román, N. Rodríguez-Henche, A.M. Bajo (Spain)P-E-09.1-14 , page 257
‘Atlas of Soil Microorganisms’—citizen science education program for school teachers.
A. Paramonik, S. Sedykh, M. Galyamova (Russia)P-E-09.1-15 , pages 257-258
Raising the quality of experiential education through IQPharm Erasmus+ CBHE project.
T. Bego, A. Elezović, E. Omeragić, A. Badnjević, M. Dedić, E. Veljović, D.Bošković, V. Krstonošić, M. Kondža, A. Smajlović, E. Dautović, Ž. Gagić, D. Modun, C. Cadogan, G. Orlando, F. Bečić (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Ireland, Italy)LB-E-01-1
Putting figures from Lehninger’s textbook on the table using 3D printing.
M. Mihasan, A.M.T. Mahmoud (Romania)Postgraduate teaching/learning
P-E-09.2-01 , page 258
Teaching PhD students how to use biochemical approaches to decrypt molecular complexity in food systems.
A. Barbiroli, F. Bonomi, D. Fessas, S. Mazzini, S. Iametti (Italy)P-E-09.2-02 , page 258
The case of industrial waste utilization by phototrophic microorganisms: incorporating active learning strategies for effective Biotechnology and Microbiology instruction at the graduate level.
L. Hakobyan, L. Gabrielyan (Armenia)LB-E-02-1
Training on advanced instrumentation at research infrastructures.
I. Felli (Italy)