FEBS Education Platform

Webinar and workshop in Tunisia: Educational considerations for training

logo of ATSB, Association Tunisienne des Sciences Biologiques / Tunisian Association of Biological Sciences
logo of FEBS Education Ambassadors

Tunisia; 7 December 2022
Online event

This workshop is supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Education Ambassadors funding scheme.

Also supported by Tunisian Association of Biological Sciences (ATSB)

Attendance is free. The event was run via Zoom meetings.




Wednesday, 7 December

(CET times)     Handouts/
12:30 Welcome and opening Ferhan Sağın, Hatem Fakhfakh  video
12:35 ATSB introduction. Hatem Fakhfakh pdfvideo
12:45 FEBS: congresses, fellowships, advanced courses, journals and more… Jerka Dumić video
13:05 Discussion and Q&A about FEBS Jerka Dumić, Ferhan Sağın  
13:15 Why and how should you develop and improve your educator skills? Tips for both junior and senior scientists. Ferhan Sağın pdfvideo
13:45 Principles of learning for training. Hatem Fakhfakh pdfvideo
14:05  ☕ Coffee break    
14:15 Integrative online tools for learning and teaching biochemistry. Nino Sinčić video
14:45 Integration of virtual laboratories in learning of biochemistry. Angel Herráez pdfvideo
15:15 Discussion and Q&A Nino Sinčić, Angel Herráez  
15:30  ☕ Coffee break    
15:45 How to keep a good lab book (Workshop for young researchers) Jason Perret, Nino Sinčić pdf video1 video2
17:15 Q&A and closing Ferhan Sağın, Hatem Fakhfakh video