25–26 May 2023, Manchester, UK
This is the 5th workshop jointly organised by FEBS Education Committee and the Biochemical Society UK (Cambridge 2012, Cambridge 2015, Chester 2018, Glasgow/online 2021). Supported also by IUBMB.
Associated event: Research Projects in Education
A training event on educational research in the biosciences.
23–24 May 2023, Manchester, UK
This training event aims to provide a framework for designing, evaluating, and publishing new research projects in education. This event is aimed at education-focused academics in the biosciences, and postgraduate and early career researchers considering a move into an education-focused role.
This two-day event is aimed at anyone teaching or supporting learning in higher education in the molecular biosciences, from early career researchers to established professors. The event will comprise of group discussions, talks from invited speakers, and flash talks and posters from delegates. The event will focus heavily on communities of practice in bioscience education.
Report summarising the meeting, published in IUBMB Newsletter.
Registration is free for all current members of any of the FEBS Constituent Societies.
- Practical solutions for improving inclusivity and accessibility of bioscience education
- Evaluating, understanding, and promoting student engagement
- Novel approaches to student assessment
- Thriving, not just surviving: communities of practice for the development of teaching, considering both staff and students
Workshop's website with full information