Athens (Greece), 8-9 October 2015
With the Hellenic Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (HSBMB)
This workshop is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Costas Drainas, a former member of FEBS Education Committee who sadly passed away in July 2011.
Venue: Hellenic Pasteur Institute, in the center of Athens
Prof. Dimitris Kletsas,
President of HSBMB and
organiser of the Workshop
Speakers from FEBS Education Committe:
- Keith Elliott (Manchester, UK)
- Jason Perret (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Mary Purton (FEBS Open Bio, Cambridge)
- Gül Güner Akdogan (Chair) (Izmir, Turkey)
60 participants
Supporting materials
Now available!
(Restricted access using the password given to participants)
1st day: 8 October 2015, 8:30 to 17:30
- Registration
- Opening
- Opening of the Workshop (HSBMB-FEBS)
- Remembering Costas Drainas — Gül Güner, Dimitris Kyriakidis
- Session 1: Research in undergraduate education: how to involve BSc and MD students in research
- Introducing BSc students in biomedical sciences to research — Jason Perret
- Experience from Greece (BSc) — Christos Panagiotidis
- Special study modules: an innovative research practice for medical (MD) student — Gül Güner
- Panel discussion — All speakers
- Session 2: Scientific skills and transferable skills
- How to write and publish a scientific article — Mary Purton
- Discussion
- How to make the best of yourself: How to write a CV — Keith Elliott
- How to write a research project — Christos Stournaras
- Discussion
- Funds and programmes for young scientists — Keith Elliott
- Scientific communication to non-scientists — Ioanna Soufleri
- General discussion
2nd day: 9 October 2015, 9:30 to 17:30
- Session 3: PhD training
- PhD training in Greece: strengths and weaknesses — Manolis Fragoulis, Theodore Fotsis
- Standards for PhD training: IUBMB and Orpheus — Gül Güner
- Small group discussions:
1. Role of supervisor — Jason Perret
2. Role of institution— George Panayotou
3. Quality of thesis and its assessment — Christos Stournaras
4. How to write and publish a scientific article — Mary Purton - Reports from small groups
- Session 4: Biochemical education for the needs of the medical profession
- Problem-based learning: philosophy and the Manchester experience — Keith Elliott
- Izmir experience. Designing of cases — Gül Güner
- Experience from a Greek university — George Simos
- General discussion, feedback, and closing of the meeting — Gül Güner, Dimitris Kletsas