Conference and Cultural Center, University of Patras. Patras (Greece), 3 October 2018
This workshop was supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Education Ambassadors funding scheme.
With the auspices of
- Hellenic Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (HSBMB)
- University of Patras
- Prof. Nikos Karamanos — University of Patras, Greece; Chair of HSBMB
- Dr. Dimitris Kletsas — National Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos", Greece; Vice-Chair of HSBMB
- Zoi Piperigkou — University of Patras, Greece
- Achilleas D. Theocharis — University of Patras, Greece
The aim of the workshop is to promote cell biology, biological chemistry and molecular biology education by introducing new trends in education as well as presenting important tips for the future scientists. The experts will provide knowledge to enhance excellence and innovations in biochemistry and molecular bioscience and tips for writing a successful manuscript. One of the goals of this workshop is to provide a forum for panel discussions and discussions into small groups with the experts for sharing current issues in molecular life sciences and skills necessary for a molecular life scientist.
- Key knowledge and skills for molecular life sciences
- Quality assurance in education
- PhD training
- How to write a scientific paper
Speakers and coordinators of discussion groups:
- Gül Güner-Akdoğan — Chair of FEBS Education Committee
- Daniela Ruffell — FEBS Letters Editorial Manager
- Eleftheria-Dafni Pefani — School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Ieronymos Zoidakis — Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
- Thanasis Karalis — University of Patras
- Dimitris Kletsas — NCSR Demokritos, Vice-Chair of HSBMB
- Achilleas D. Theocharis — University of Patras
- Zoi Piperigkou — University of Patras
- Nikos Karamanos — University of Patras, Chair of HSBMB
- Welcome addresses — N. Karamanos, D. Kletsas, G. Bokias (Head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Patras)
- Opening — V. Kyriazopoulou (Rector of the University of Patras)
- Session 1: Rethinking molecular life sciences education
- Core knowledge and skills for molecular life scientists — Gül Güner
- The essentials of manuscript preparation — Daniela Ruffell
- Session 2: PhD training: new horizons
- Trends in PhD training - Tips for success for a PhD student — Gül Güner
- Small group discussions — G. Güner, D. Ruffell, N. Karamanos
- Session 3: From PhD to post-doctoral research and academia
- From PhD to independency: tips for an academic career path — Eleftheria-Dafni Pefani
- Preparing future faculty for teaching — Ieronymos Zoidakis
- Session 4: Quality assurance in education
- Horizontal skills of critical thinking — Thanasis Karalis
- Small group discussions — E.D. Pefani, T. Karalis, I. Zoidakis
- Closing session
- Reports from groups and general discussion
- Feedback and closing