Riga (Latvia), 24–25 November 2016
Hosted by the Latvian Biochemical Society (LaBS)
Venue: Academic Center for Natural Sciences of the University of Latvia, Jelgavas 1, LV 1004
Coordinator of the workshop:
- Prof. Kaspars Tars, President of LaBS
From FEBS Education Committee:
- Keith Elliott (Manchester, UK)
- Ferhan Sağın (Izmir, Turkey)
- Frank Michelangeli (Chester, UK)
- Gül Güner Akdoğan (Chair) (Izmir, Turkey)
Full programme: Brief report in FEBS News (2017:1):
1st day: 24 November 2016, 8:30 to 18:00
- Registration
- Opening
- Welcome address by the host — Kaspars Tars, President of LaBS
- FEBS Education Committee and introduction to the workshop — Gül Güner Akdoğan
- Session 1: Panel discussion
- Skills and key knowledge for the molecular life sciences degrees — Frank Michelangeli
- Open forum on the state of molecular life sciences education in Latvia.
- Session 2: Examples of active learning methods
- Problem-based learning: philosophy and Manchester experience — Keith Elliott
- Problem-based learning: Izmir experience — Gül Güner Akdoğan
- Transforming your classroom with team-based learning: bringing deep engagement and the joy of learning to your students — Ferhan Sağın
- Introduction to small group discussions and divide into groups — Gül Güner Akdoğan
- Small group discussions (30 min each;
each participant rotating for two
out of the three)
1. Izmir approach to problem-based learning — Gül Güner Akdoğan
2. Manchester approach to problem-based learning — Keith Elliott
3. Team-based learning — Ferhan Sağın, Frank Michelangeli
- Session 3:
Assessment and feedback
- 360 degrees view of assessment — Ferhan Sağın
- Criterion vs. norm-referenced assessment — Keith Elliott
- Use of some educational technologies — Frank Michelangeli
- Small group discussions (30 min each; each participant rotating for two out of the three)
1. Criterion vs norm-based assessment — Keith Elliott
2. Course assessment — Ferhan Sağın
3. Use of technologies — Frank Michelangeli - General discussion (whole group)
2nd day: 25 November 2016, 9:00 to 16:30
- Session 4: Research in undergraduate education (for BSc and MD students)
- Research in undergradaute education (BSc students) — Frank Michelangeli
- Research in undergraduate education: an innovative research training in a medical school — Gül Güner Akdoğan
- General discussion
- Session 5:
Research and career skills for young scientists
- How to write a scientific paper — Frank Michelangeli
- How to write a CV: How to make the best of yourself — Keith Elliott
- Funds and programmes — Keith Elliott
- How to make the best of your PhD. Student role and supervisor-student relationship — Ferhan Sağın
- Small group discussions (45 min each; each participant rotating for two out of the three)
1. How to write a scientific paper — Frank Michelangeli
2. CV writing — Keith Elliott
3. PhD student role and student-supervisor relationship — Ferhan Sağın - General discussion (whole group)
- General discussion, feedback, and closing of the workshop— Kaspar Tars, Gül Güner