FEBS Education Committee has the mission of promoting education of highest quality throughout Europe. Within the scope of this mission, FEBS Education Committee has been organising Education Workshops in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in different European countries, hosted by the FEBS Constituent Societies.
Using the experience gained while organising and running these workshops, this handbook is a guide written with the aim of helping both stakeholders —FEBS Education Committee and Constituent Societies— in their collaboration to achieve a productive and smoothly-running Workshop.
General information on workshops on biochemistry and molecular biology education
These Workshops are educational activities organised by FEBS Education Committee with collaboration (hostage) of the FEBS Constituent and/or Associated Society of the country where the workshop is held. A typical workshop lasts one or two days and focuses on the current thinking and innovations in education that have been explored and found to be useful for enhancing learning. The specific topics to be covered are selected by the Constituent Society according to their needs, from the array of topics offered by the FEBS Education Committee (Annex 1). The workshop education team is identified decided and invited by FEBS Education Committee, either from the Committee members, or experts at large, depending on the topics to be covered. The Workshop can stand alone or be associated with a Congress of the Constituent Society and/or any other scientific event.
Who should attend the workshops?
Faculty, researchers, post-docs , and PhD students, administrators, (and high-school teachers where appropriate) from biochemistry, molecular biology, medicine, pharmacy, science education, and all disciplines of basic sciences should attend the Workshop from the host country or other European countries.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities
Typically, the workshop is agreed between the Constituent Society and FEBS Education Committee at least one year before the event. The Constituent Society assigns a local Coordinator for the Workshop —typically, the person responsible for the educational activities of the Society. Although the workshops are intended to target the needs of the Constituent Society members and therefore attended largely by the members of the host Society, any FEBS members from different countries may attend these workshops in case of interest. From the Education Committee, usually the Chair takes the responsibility. The venue, time and duration, as well as the topics of the workshop are suggested by the local hosts. The Education Committee organises the programme, taking into consideration the needs of the host Society.
Responsibilities of the Constituent Society
All activities related to the local aspects of the workshop — dissemination of Workshop information within the country (web-site, electronic and/or written dissemination), venue (suitable venue with the requested educational and technical assets —see Annex 2), registration of participants (lists, name-badges), logistics, coffee breaks, lunches, transport, social programme, certificates (signed by FEBS Education Committee Chair and the President of the Constituent Society —Annex 3) are in the hands of the Constituent Society. If a poster session is programmed, the selection and organisation of posters will be done by the Hosts with help from the FEBS Education Committee. In addition, the wrap-up of the Workshop, including the final list of participants, is done by the Constituent Society.
Responsibilities of FEBS Education Committee
All activities related to the “programme” of the workshop —trainers, their organisation, their flights, preparing the Workshop Booklet, photocopies to be distributed, preparing feedback forms (Annex 4) and taking feedback, running of the FEBS Education Platform (uploading of slides and necessary materials) are in the hands of FEBS Education Committee. The Workshop is also disseminated through FEBS channels by the Education Committee (FEBS website, electronic distribution to FEBS Constituent Societies, etc.) The final report of the Workshop is prepared by the Education Committee, with input from the Constituent Society. FEBS has no liability on any accident that could occur during the workshop and liability disclaimer form should be signed by the Organisers.
The scientific (educational) programme will be based on the topics selected by the Hosts. The sessions will be organised using different educational techniques depending on the character of the topics. These will include lectures, small-group discussions, meet the expert sessions, panel discussions, and, if requested, selected short talks and poster sessions. The posters should be based on educational issues.
Social programme
Experience has shown that social events associated with the Workshops aid interactions between participants. The social programme may include a “welcome drink”, a dinner (if can be arranged).
Timeline of organisational details
At least one year before the event
Agreement between the FEBS Education Committee and the Constituent Society on time, duration, topics, and venue.
At least eight months before the event
Identification of the scientific programme and obtaining confirmation from the FEBS trainers; dissemination of all electronic and written material regarding the workshop.
At least four months before the event
Flight details of the FEBS trainers and reservations of accommodation for the FEBS education team (depending on the country, this deadline can be shorter); sorting out the technical needs for the Venue.
At least one month before the event
Obtaining of slides of the speakers and other related educational material in pdf format for uploading on FEBS Education Platform and for including in the Workshop Booklet.
At least two weeks before the event
Communication of the social programme to the FEBS trainers.
Communication of the participant list (with e-mails) to FEBS Education Committee so that the participants can be addressed by the Webmaster.
One month after the event
Report of the Workshop sent by FEBS Education Committee to all stakeholders.
Finances and support
The cost of the entire event is taken care of between the FEBS Education Committee and the Constituent Society.
FEBS Education Committee covers the following costs:
Flight, transport, accommodation and dinners of the workshop trainers, workshop booklets and all necessary photocopies, workshop venue costs (if any). In addition, the expenses related to the FEBS team during the social programme are also covered by FEBS.
For the flight and transport expenses, FEBS education team will return the completed and signed travel reimbursement form (Annex 5) to the FEBS Treasury by post after the event, along with original receipts and boarding passes (wherever possible). The Committee Chair should send an e-mail to the FEBS Treasury with a list of the FEBS education team at the Workshops. All expenses incurred in the category of accommodation, venue, workshop booklets, etc. are also sent to FEBS Treasury with a written invoice.
Constituent Society takes care of the following issues:
Coffee-breaks and lunches, and any other costs within the social/scientific programme, related to the participants (refreshments, name badges, folders for the participants, etc.) The local dissemination of the event is also taken care of by the Society (this can be done through registration fees, sponsors, or other funds found by the Society). FEBS is not liable for any accidents or mishaps in any events that it sponsors. All participants and organisers must make sure they have their own adequate insurance cover. Acceptance of FEBS sponsorship is conditional on the recipients acknowledging that they have responsibility for their own safety and making their own arrangements about insurance.
Support for young scientists from FEBS (to be discussed by the Executive Committee):
Only in the case of Hinary B countries, FEBS Education Committee will partially support the travel of a number of young scientists within the country. The applications should be sent to the Education Committee. The budget allocated will be consulted each year with FEBS Treasurer.