Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 3–4 September 2015
Together with Inauguration of the Association of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Venue: Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo:
- Registration and Opening: Amphiteatre „Accad. Seid Hukovic“
- Workshop: Department for Physiology/Medical Biochemistry
Prof. Radivoj Jadric, General Secretary of ABMBBH and coordinator of this workshop
From FEBS Education Committee:
- Keith Elliott (Manchester, UK)
- Gül Güner Akdogan (Chair) (Izmir, Turkey)
With kind support of:
- Israel Pecht, FEBS General Secretary (Rehovot, Israel)
- Jerka Dumic, FEBS Working Group on Integration (Zagreb, Croatia)
Announcement in the website of the Faculty of Medicine.
45 participants (both faculty and young scientists)
Supporting materials (Restricted access using the password given to participants)
1st day: 3 September 2015, 8:30 to 17:30
- Registration
- Faculty of Medicine, Amphiteatre „Accad. Seid Hukovic“
- Opening
- Welcome address by the host — Prof. Almira Hadzovic-Dzuvo, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
- Inauguration of the Society — Adlija Causevic (President of ABMBBH), Israel Pecht (General Secretary of FEBS) - Report in FEBS News
- Conference: “FEBS” — Israel Pecht
- Workshop
- Faculty of Medicine, Department for Physiology/Medical Biochemistry
- Session 1: Curriculum planning
- Molecular life sciences education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.- Curricular issues — Lejla Kapur-Pojskic
- Curriculum planning.- General principles — Keith Elliott
- Discussion
- Session 2: Designing biochemistry practicals
- Introduction to practicals — Keith Elliott
- Small group discussions (rotation)
1. Wet practicals — Jerka Dumic
2. In silico practicals — Keith Elliott
3. Dry practicals — Gül Güner
- Session 3:
Molecular life sciences education for the needs of the industry
- — Jerka Dumic
2nd day: 4 September 2015, 9:00 to 17:45
- Session 4: Research in undergraduate education (for BSc and MD students)
- Training undergraduate (BSc) students in research — Emina Kiseljakovic
- Research in undergraduate education: an innovative research training in a medical school — Gül Güner
- General discussion
- Session 5:
PhD training in biomedicine and health sciences
- PhD training in Bosnia and Herzegovina: strengths and weaknesses — Adlija Causevic
- PhD training in Europe: standards for improvement — Gül Güner
- General discussion
- Planning of the small group discussions on PhD training
- Small group discussions (rotation)
1. Role of supervisor — Keith Elliott
2. Quality of thesis and its assessment — Jerka Dumic
3. PhD training programmes: How to design? — Gül Güner - Group reports and general discussion
- Session 6: Support for young scientists
- Funds and programmes — Keith Elliott
- General discussion, feedback, and closing of the meeting — Radivoj Jadric, Gül Güner
Participants in the Workshop
Inauguration of the ABMB in B&H: Prof. Adlija Čaušević, President
Inauguration of the ABMB in B&H: FEBS representatives
Inauguration of the ABMB in B&H