Sarajevo; 18 May 2023
This education session and workshop is supported by FEBS Education Committee on the Education Ambassadors funding scheme.
Also supported by Association of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ABMBBIH)
This education session is part of the program of the first ABMBBIH Conference (18-20 May 2023). Conference website.
- Tamer Bego — Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sarajevo. FEBS Education Ambassador from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- FEBS Education Committee
- Ferhan Sağın— Ege University, Turkey.- FEBS Education Committee chairperson
- Jerka Dumić — University of Zagreb, Croatia.- FEBS Education Committee member, FEBS Executive Committee member
- Lejla Kapur Pojskić — University of Sarajevo
- Nino Sinčić — University of Zagreb, Croatia.- FEBS Education Committee member
- Angel Herráez — University of Alcalá, Spain.- FEBS Education Committee member
- Miguel de la Rosa — University of Sevilla, Spain.- FEBS Secretary General
- Jason Perret — Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Thursday, 18 May
- 9:00-9:15 Introduction and presentation of FEBS activities — Ferhan Sağın
- 9:15-10:00 Why and how should you develop and improve your educator skills?: Tips for both junior & senior scientists — Ferhan Sağın
- 10:00- 10:25 Transferable skills and biochemistry education for the needs of industry — Jerka Dumić
- 10:25-10:50 Raising the innovation potential through teaching programs in molecular biology — Lejla Kapur Pojskić
- 11:20-11:45 Innovative Teaching I - Integrative online tools for learning and teaching biochemistry face to face — Nino Sinčić
- 11:45-12:10 Innovative Teaching II - Integration of virtual laboratories in learning of biochemistry — Angel Herráez
- 12:10-12:50 Be a scientist, not a worker in science — Miguel de la Rosa
- 14:00-15:30 Workshop: How to keep a good lab book? — Jason Perret