Tbilisi (Georgia), 5–6 April 2019
Hosted by Ilia State University
- Prof. Revaz Solomonia, President of The Association of Georgian Biochemists — Ilia State University, Georgia
Host and Coordinator - Prof. Ferhan Sagin — Ege University, Turkey
FEBS Education Committee Chair
30 Ambassadors were attending from 30 Constituent Societies of FEBS, plus 3 delegates.
Additionally, members of the FEBS Education Committee
Friday 5 of April
- Opening and welcome talk— Giga Zedania, Rector of Ilia State University
- The Association of Georgian Biochemists — Revaz Solomonia
- FEBS Ed-Com activities — Ferhan Sagin
- Best practices on education (I)
- An innovative forum where faculty can exchange research...on teaching! — Xavier Coumoul
- Science made simple: the Cyprus example — Myrtani Pieri
- Implementing more participative and engaging ways of teaching and learning — Néstor Torres Darias
- Undergraduate students' understanding of epigenetics in the course of their 3 years studies towards a BSc degree in Agricultural Sciences — Anat Yarden
- Teaching molecular sciences in universities from Romania: a SWOT approach — Carmen Socaciu
- Ambassadors working groups’ discussions (I)
- Key knowledge and skills expected from a molecular life sciences graduate
- Good practices on education
- Nomotion of ambassadors’ educational activities & communication with the ministries
- Learning resources
- Short reports from the coordinators
- News from upcoming educational activities and FEBS 2019 congress — Anna Jagusiak
Saturday 6 of April
- New chances to contribute in the FEBS Network — Angel Herráez
- Best practices on education (II)
- Research integrity and experimental design: course for doctoral students in life sciences — Erkki Raulo
- Reflections from the FEBS Izmir Education Workshop: Training Tomorrow's Scientists — Aylin Sepici Dinçel
- Educational strategies to guide and motivate MSc students to become an enrepreneur while doing scientific studies — Aziz Hymene
- Ambassadors working groups’ discussions (II)
- Reports of the working groups and general discussion
- Feedback and closing
Photos of the event:
Introduction by Prof. Revaz Solomonia
Presentation with the Rector, Prof. Giga Zedania