Education workshop I: What skills and knowledge are required to improve molecular life science education?
Summary of discussions in small groups
The session was attended by about 100 participants. They split into 4 groups to discuss specific topics related to this session, as listed below. Some of the main points that were raised during the specific discussions are collected in this report.
Group 1: What are the key practical skills that molecular life science students should learn?
The group came up with an extensive list of techniques, procedures and good practice:
- Making buffers, solutions and being able to understand concentrations.
- Using a pH meter and adjust pH of buffers.
- Knowing how to dilute solutions.
- Training in good laboratory practice (especially lab safety)
- Keeping a detailed lab book.
- Designing an experiment to test hypothesis and consideration of control and replicates.
- Being able to perform and analyse the results from SDS PAGE.
- Being able to perform and analyse the results from DNA agarose gels.
- Concepts of protein purification, i.e. size exclusion and ion exchange chromatography.
- Uv-vis spectrometry and use of calibration curves.
- Enzyme assays and following rates of reactions.
- Basic microbiology techniques also expose to other model organism systems ie yeast or flies, etc.
- Undertaking PCR reactions and analyzing products.
- Searching scientific literature data bases.
Group 2: What are the key transferable skills that molecular life science students should learn?
- Mathematical competency. Being able to use and manipulate simple equations.
- Being able to plot and interpret data in the form of graphs and tables.
- Statistics and its uses. Being able to ulitilise statistical software, i.e. Excel, SPSS, Minitab, etc.
- Communication skills, oral presentations and in writing.
- Scientific writing, how to write a scientific report or paper.
- Problem solving skills – i.e. critical analysis, experimental design and setup.
- Team working skills.
- Independency and time management.
- Leadership and managerial skills.
Group 3: Careers and improving employability prospects
- Have an extensive period of workplace experience as part of the degree. This could take the form of a “sandwich year” where the students spend one academic year working in an industrial setting such as for a pharmaceutical company.
- Coaching and mentoring.
- Helping with CV writing.
- Helping to develop interview skills.
- Employ or utilize specific careers officers within the university to help students with applications.
- Organise careers fairs for the students and invite past graduates to talk about their careers following graduation.
Group 4: Subject-specific knowledge
- Proteins
- DNA / RNA / Genetics
- Enzymes
- Metabolism
- Regulation
- Cell biology
- Molecular biology
- Bio-energetics
- Membranes
- Cell signaling
- Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Molecular pharmacology