Vilnius (Lithuania), 5–6 May 2023
28 ambassadors + 2 delegates attended, from Constituent Societies of FEBS
Additionally, members of the FEBS Education Committee
Friday 5th of May
- 9:00-9:10 Opening and welcome — Ferhan Sağın, Saulius Serva, Vida Mildaziene, Rasa Žukienė
- 9:10-9:45 Ice-breaking activity — Nino Sinčić (Croatia) & Ali Burak Özkaya (Turkey)
- 9:45-10:00 FEBS Ed-Com activities since May 2022 — Ferhan Sağın
- 10:00-11:00 Ambassador activities and good practices
- Problem Based Learning (PBL) for teaching the laboratory component of undergraduate courses — Vicky Nicolaidou (Cyprus)
- Engaging students in large classes using a combination of team-based learning and spaced learning approaches — Margarida Fardilha (Portugal)
- Advances in Neuroscience: a multidisciplinary event — Lela Chitadze (Georgia)
- A pedagogic lunch series for faculty development — Didier Picard (Switzerland)
- 11:30-12:30 Panel on hot educational issues (discussion groups included)
- Guidelines of teaching biochemistry in various graduate degrees — Francesco Malatesta (Italy)
- Training of young scientists regarding ethical issues in research & good lab practices — Xavier Coumoul (France)
- Digi (digital) teaching in biochemistry education — Renata Prunskaitė-Hyyryläinen (Finland) and Angel Herráez (Spain)
- Motivation of students to enter molecular life sciences programs — Rasa Žukienė (Lithuania) and Keith Elliott (UK)
- 14:00-15:00 Discussion groups (each ambassador will work in one group)
- Guidelines of teaching Biochemistry in various graduate degrees (Biotechnology, Medicine, etc.) — Facilitated by Francesco Malatesta (Italy)
- Training of young scientists regarding ethical issues in research and good lab practices — Facilitated by Xavier Coumoul (France)
- Digi (digital) teaching in biochemistry and biotechnology education — Facilitated by Renata Prunskaitė-Hyyryläinen (Finland)
- Motivation of students to enter molecular life sciences programs (Biotechnology, Medicine, etc.) — Facilitated by Rasa Žukienė (Lithuania)
- 15:00-15:30 General group discussion
- 16:00-16:50 ChatGPT in teaching and learning — David Smith (UK) and Henner Gimpel (Germany) TBC
- 16:50-17:30 Q&A + wrap-up of Day 1
- 17:30-18:00 Visit of the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center
- 18:00-22:00 Social program — Vilnius University Botanical Garden
Saturday 6th of May
- 9:00-10:00 Ambassador activities and good practices
- Teaching with debate — Xavier Coumoul (France)
- Visual competence in biochemistry — Václav Martínek (Czechia)
- TBL in biochemistry teaching — Knut Teigen (Norway)
- 10:00-11:00 Science fiction becomes (virtual) reality: applications of VR in research and training — Damjana Kastelic (Spain)
- 11:30-12:00 Meet the expert sessions (2 rounds; every ambassador will be able to join two
groups upon preference, for 30 min each)
- Educational events — Facilitated by Ferhan Sağın and Rasa Žukienė
- National society education group — Facilitated by Francesco Maletasta, Jerka Dumić, Angel Herráez and Keith Elliott
- Educational research & publishing — Facilitated by Luciane V. de Mello and Manuel Costa
- Networking & promotion — Facilitated by Nino Sinčić and Xavier Coumoul
- 12:30-13:00 Feedback and closing — Ferhan Sağın
- 13:00-17:00 Social program