The 44th FEBS Congress, “From molecules to living systems”
ICE Kraków Congress Centre, Krakow (Poland), 6–11 July 2019
FEBS/IUBMB Special Session on Education 1: “Creative teaching: effective learning in life sciences education”
Monday, 8 July, 16:15 to 18:15
Co-organized by the FEBS and IUBMB Education Committees
Chaired by Luciane V. Mello (UK) and Laszlo Dux (Hungary)
- Enhancing your classroom teaching by integration of open online courses. — Peter de Jong (Netherlands)
- Student-activating methods of teaching in life sciences. — Michal Nowakowski (Poland)
- Undergraduate teaching laboratories: the transformative impact of learning technologies. — Bill Heslop (UK)
- Panel discussion, Q&A
Research and Career Skills Workshop: “Networking”
Monday 8 July, 18:30 to 19:30
Organized by the FEBS Network Working Group.
Following a popular session at last year’s FEBS Congress, this workshop looks again at the value of networking for scientists and a range of networking approaches for different aims, such as finding a collaborator or seeking a new academic position.
- Introduction. — Isabel Varela Nieto
- The concept of networking for scientists and why it can have value.
- Structure of the workshop.
- Concurrent small-group discussions with FEBS-associated scientists as facilitators.
- Networking to find a collaborator.
- Networking to find your next (academic or nonacademic) position / find a new lab member.
- Networking ‘platforms’ – from conferences to scholarly collaboration networks.
- Agreement on tips or recommendations and sharing with the whole audience.
- Speed networking game.
FEBS/IUBMB Special Session on Education 2: “Future education now!”
Tuesday, 9 July, 16:15 to 18:15
Co-organized by the FEBS and IUBMB Education Committees
Chaired by Gül Güner-Akdogan (Turkey) and Jean-Luc Souciet (France)
- Innovating education to educate innovators. — Eric Mazur (USA)
- Revamping postdoctoral training and education. — Joan J. Guinovart (Spain)
- Panel discussion, Q&A
FEBS Special Session on Research and Career Skills
Wednesday, 10 July, 16:15 to 18:15
Organized by the FEBS Working Group on the Careers of Young Scientists and the FEBS Education Committee.
Chaired by Irene Díaz-Moreno (Spain) and Ferhan Sağın (Turkey)
- How to elaborate a cogent scientific grant application. — Miguel A. de la Rosa (Spain)
- How to make the best out of your paper. — Daniela Ruffell (Spain)
- How to write an interesting and insightful review article. — Seamus Martin (Ireland)
- How to prepare an engaging undergraduate lecture. — Frank Michelangeli (UK)
- Small-group exercises and discussion.
Posters on education, training, and career planning in molecular life sciences
- P-40-001
Progress with co-learning. — Y. Karamanos, A. Matéos, C. Mysiorek, J. Saint-Pol, S. Berger (Universitéd’Artoi;, Lens, France) - P-40-002
Improving quantitative literacy in incoming biomedical science students. — J. Pakay, J. Young, F. Carroll (La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science; Melbourne, Australia) - P-40-003
Creating an archive of audio files in order to improve students’ overall academic activity. — G. Shengelidze, Y. S. Dudi, A. Sing, N. Kumar, I. Sakhelashvili, N. Jojua (European University; Tbilisi, Georgia) - LB-40-01
The project of PBL workshop classes with Biochemical Oxford Debate as a method of active learning in Nutritional Biochemistry Course. — A. Bentke (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland) - LB-40-02
Television game shows as an inspiration for educational games in teaching medical biochemistry. — K. Kaszuba (Jagiellonian University; Krakow, Poland) - LB-40-03
DesignBased Research as a valuable tool for developing undergraduate biochemistry experimental teachinglearning sequences. — Á.L. GarcíaPonce, M.Á. Medina, Á. BlancoLópez, A.R. Quesada (Universidad de Málaga; Málaga, Spain)
Photos of the event:
Special session on education 1 (Monday)
Panel discussion in session 1
Introduction of session 2
Special session on education 2 (Tuesday)
Special session on research and career skills (Wednesday)